Online continuing education exam for veterinarians

Automated solution incl. certificate issuance

All physicians are required to undergo regular training. Our customer, an international pharmaceutical company operating in the veterinary sector, was looking for an automated solution for this purpose.


Creation of a platform through which participating veterinarians can take a test at the end of an advanced training course in order to have advanced training points recognized by the ATF (Academy for Advanced Veterinary Training).

  • Regular import of new questions
  • Automatic evaluation (at least 70% of the questions must be answered correctly in order to pass)
  • Creation of a personalized certificate of attendance
  • Automatic dispatch by e-mail to the participants
  • Setup of an administration environment for the creation of the event, import of the participant lists and dashboard evaluation of the results

Our services:

Contact persons:

Julian Hambach
Julian Hambach

Project management, Concept

Jan Olfs
Jan Olfs

Programming & Development


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